Mercury MS is distributor for Kron Technologies

We are proud to announce that Mercury MS is distributor for Kron Technologies, a leading Canadian company specializing in high-speed camera design and manufacturing, including their renowned Chronos cameras.

This collaboration brings together two powerful forces—Kron Technologies provides state-of-the-art high-speed cameras, essential for capturing dynamic events, and we bring advanced Digital Image Correlation (DIC) software that analyzes these events in real time. From vibrography analysis to high-speed deformation measurement, this partnership is set to unlock incredible possibilities in the field of dynamic material testing.

We are grateful to join forces with Kron Technologies and look forward to the opportunities this collaboration will bring as we continue to fulfill our vision:

Providing world-class products for contactless deformation measurement, at a fair price, with the best possible quality and customer service.

Take a look at our products, that utilizes Chronos Cameras

Mercury MS is distributor for Kron Technologies

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